Thursday 14 March 2013

Practicing the Presence

Practicing the Presence

How do you practice the presence of God? How do you “invoke” that feel-good atmosphere in a meeting that says to everyone present, “God is here – He is walking among us.”?  How do strangers know there is something different about you, about your meetings, about your life? This is, or could be, a very large subject. Books have been written expounding at great length exactly what “the presence of God” is all about. They theorise on how to “get it” in your life and how to keep it.

Actually, we can practice the presence of God relatively simply. God did not ask us to complicate anything. On the contrary, He said that unless we come to Him as little children, we cannot even enter God’s Kingdom. So, making it as simple as possible, how can we all practice His presence.

The Word of God says that the Lord makes His habitation in the praises of His people.

Again the Word of God says that our prayers rise like an incense before His throne.

In all truth, when all the theorising is said and done, the presence of God is something we carry with us at all times. It is only the manifestation of His presence we need to concern ourselves about – and that is only dependent upon one simple thing. An obedience and willing heart that will allow Him to show Himself in our lives. Our Lord is always a gentleman. He will not enter where He is not welcome – He will not do anything without our expressed permission. We need to ask Him, maybe even tell Him that He is welcome, to manifest His presence in our lives.

We have noticed time and time again that when we offer our praises and worship the Lord before any important meeting, particularly with not-yet-Christians, that there is a peace and a comfortableness in the meeting. People come in and relax in an atmosphere of love – God’s love which permeates everything and everyone who comes in.

You see, nothing happens without we prepare for it by laying down a bed of prayer seasoned with our praise and worship. That way, we can ensure we carry the presence of God wherever we go. When we carry His presence with us we can be said to practice the presence - because we practice the activity that invites Him to inhabit the praises of His people.

1 comment:

  1. When we worship God in Spirit and in truth He will visit us...!! ;)
