Monday 15 April 2013

An Interesting Year Ahead

An Interesting Year Ahead

When the Children of Israel didn’t like what God was saying to them, they told Moses to ask God things on their behalf and to let them know the answers. So began what we know nowadays as the prophetic lineage through the Old Testament, through John the Baptist, and into our present day prophetic heritage. Prophecy is God’s way of letting us know His intentions. Amos 3:7-8 “Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.  A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?”

We went to a prophetic day conference Saturday. It was given by a young speaker from a church in South Africa. We were invited to go by some younger friends with a yearning for things of the Spirit. I have to admit, I have been to a few of these over the years and heard both good and bad teaching on the subject, but, for their sakes, I accepted their invite. The main speaker was in his mid-thirties but he has a teaching and prophetic gift I have rarely seen before. It was a privilege to have been there and I learned a few new angles too.

For a start, this wasn’t a “big name” preacher – just an ordinary, but amazingly gifted assistant-pastor speaking from his heart. The audience wasn’t the usual selection of “conference junkies” who had been everywhere, seen everyone, and heard everything. These were local church people with a hunger for more of God and His gifts.

I learned much yesterday. I haven’t heard the prophetic gift so well explained nor expounded for a very long time – if ever.

For me, that is a big admission, having travelled the country attending similar events for near-on twenty years. I also travelled Europe for four years with a prophetic, healing, and deliverance ministry in the company of folk who have sat at the feet of giants like Derek Prince. I learned from some of the best around at the time. I may not be in their league but I can appreciate a “master at work”. So this young speaker earned my respect yesterday in a way that leaves me with no option but to say – “Watch this young man” from Hatfield Church, Pretoria, South Africa. He is a potential giant of the faith.

We came away, six of us, with a fresh Word from the Lord ringing in our ears, with a fresh and deeper understanding of the prophetic gifts, and with an increased longing for the Word and the Spirit to come together. Why the Word and the Spirit? That was what Wigglesworth prophesied back in the late 40’s as being the hallmark of the coming move of God in this nation.

My personal prophecy, which I feel led to share with you, sits very well in my spirit and fits with everything we have lined up for this coming season. Remember please that I will be seventy in September, so some of this is vitally important to me.

“The Lord has so much more for you - more provision and more ministry. Your ministry will take off this year – there is a steep rising angle your “flight path”.  This is all to say that God is not through with us .   There are people around us who can carry the vision.  People who have spoken against us have been silenced. Its like the jigsaw pieces are coming together (That’s Sanctuary, Junction, 2nd Chance Charity Shop), all into one ministry, one anointing, one work. There is great growth coming – personal and ministry – and it is time for take off.” “Do you write? It’s like the Lord is saying to publish your writings – in a book or books perhaps.” Hallelujah \o/ Glory to God.

There was much for my wife as well but that has to stay out of sight for a while yet. This is the remembered synopsis – we will transcribe the recording once it is to hand.

Looks like we have a wonderful year, or several, ahead – if I can keep my feet grounded and my head in a size 7¼ hat – of course.

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