Saturday 27 April 2013

More Gems from Dry Bones

More Gems from Dry Bones

Ezekiel 37 tells of the prophet entering a valley full of dry bones which, after prophecy, stand up as a complete living and breathing army, ready for battle. So many of our churches are similar “Valleys of Dry Bones”. Full of people who look like Christians, maybe sound like Christians too, but who are but a skeleton shadow of the real thing that Jesus commanded us to be.

Our churches are full of those who talk a wonderful talk, yet who are fearful of walking the same walk – for whatever reason, be it fear, apathy, “someone else’s job”, or whatever. They speak the words of God with great conviction, but lacking any kind of commitment. They talk endlessly of what we “should do” without ever intending to include themselves in the planning committee.

These then are Ezekiels modern Vally f Dry Bones. An entire army, huge in number, reasonably trained, yet lacking any real motive for plundering the enemy’s territory. They are not self-motivated, so they need to be leader motivated. But the leaders are worn out from so long leading a blind, unarmed, and altogether defeated army who either cannot or will not get motivated into believing their own strength and power in Jesus Name.

Go to any church and look around. You will see this toothless army all around you, sitting in self-satisfied, maybe smug sanctification, still believing there is nothing more to do. Yet in amongst them, there sparkle a few gemstones – those just waiting for the chance to arise and show Jesus to the whole world. These are they who have never lost the joy and freshness of their salvation; those who will exhort and inspire the body of Christ back to their original calling. These are they upon whom a determined and resolute leader can call to prayer and to arms in the Name of Jesus.

These are the foundation of the army of dry bones who may well take us into the promised land called “revival”. These gems in amongst the dry bones; these faithful few; these men after God’s own heart. They will not let their hope die or even dry out. They will keep their lamps filled and ready for action for when the Bridegroom sounds His call to arms to protect and defend His Bride ready for the wedding feast.

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