Wednesday 24 April 2013

Day of Desolation

A Day of Desolation

Can you see the world on the day after the day of the rapture? Up to a billion people just vanished into thin air. I don’t know if it will be a silent or a noisy disappearance – interesting but immaterial thought isn’t it?

The world will be in absolute turmoil. Perhaps 20% of the world population will have simply disappeared – apparently into thin air. Families will be mourning the “loss” of loved ones. Parents will search for children. Children will search for parents. The communications systems will be totally overloaded as people seek to call loved ones. Missing persons reports will up a thousand percent overnight. The Illuminati/powers that be will be delighted to have solved one problem – all the Christians have disappeared – but they will be puzzled as to where and why that have gone. Some will be grieving, bitter, and angry at having either missed the boat or having been left behind.
The world financial system will be starting to realise the size of the potential life insurance claims. Banks will not have a clue how to handle all these “disappeared” accounts. Financial collapse will start because there will be a run on the banks to grab some of the money left behind.

It will be a day of utter desolation. No one will have a clue what to do.

Some of those left behind will realise their mistake and belatedly place their trust in the Lord. Many of those previously professing faith will turn away in disgust and disappointment. Atheism will know no bounds. Islam and other religions will know no greater opportunity. The prophet Isaiah posed one interesting question in Isaiah 10:3 “What will you do in the day of punishment, And in the desolation which will come from afar? To whom will you flee for help? And where will you leave your glory?”

Then again, Zephaniah also puts a good point forward when he points out, in Zephania 1:15 “That day is a day of wrath, A day of trouble and distress, A day of devastation and desolation, A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness,”

Can you imagine the chaos the rapture will cause. No wonder the earth will suddenly be plunged into a war footing. Riots and pillaging will abound. Killings will become an every day event as folk protect their own. Then the Man of Lawlessness will be revealed.

Oh my – I don’t want to be around when all this kicks off. I want to be there with Jesus. Is all this just my fertile imagination or is it a prophetic vision from God? Maybe a mixture of both?? Either way, it’s not going to be a pretty sight for those left behind is it?

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