Sunday 7 April 2013

The Bible

The Bible

I heard a wonderful quote yesterday. “Some people won’t let the Bible get in the way of what they believe.” – Andrew Wommack. I wonder, what is it about the Bible that makes otherwise good and rational Christians question its authenticity? I think there may be many answers to that but here are my personal thoughts.

It doesn’t matter what the Bible says, sometimes it is hard teaching and this alone makes it difficult to accept. But God’s Word is His Word and it is Holy and inerrant. If God is truth and love, then His word must support that whatever it says otherwise it cannot be God’s word.

It doesn’t matter what the Bible says, sometimes pastors are guilty of false teaching and herein lies a great deception of Satan. Many in the established churches are now ‘fudging’ the truth of the Bible to be politically correct, or to support their way of thinking. What they think and how they interpret the Bible is their problem, not mine. All I am called upon to do is to discern the truth and, as Holy Spirit will ‘lead us into all truth’, then I guess discernment comes as part of that package. How they will answer for it is also not my business so I neither condemn nor judge them. I simply follow that which I believe to be right.

It doesn’t matter what the Bible says, sometimes choosing to believe what they want to believe becomes easier that standing on God’s Word. Maybe this is the answer some of those false teachers would give to our questions. Rather than standing on God’s Word, they choose their own path and their own interpretation – mainly because it is easier for them to do so and to do otherwise would open up a whole new set of un-answerable questions for them.

It doesn’t matter what the Bible says, the lack of belief, or unbelief, just gets in the way or put the other way round, the Bible gets in the way of what they want to believe. So they ignore the Bible and cling to their own ‘beliefs’. How many times have we heard preachers say, “I cannot believe God means that literally.” Current ‘hot’ questions like homosexuality, same sex unions, and abortion prove this.

It doesn’t matter what the Bible says, Satan says “Did God really say . . . . ?” Aah, here is Satan’s master stroke. He used it in the Garden of Eden and it was so successful then that he still uses it today. He raises doubt in the minds of many believers.

No doubt about it, “Some people won’t let the Bible get in the way of what they believe.” It is so sad to see how the words of 2 Timothy 4:3-4 have come true – “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,  and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

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