Monday 29 April 2013


Reining In

I was just thinking again about Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.” I thought of a younger friend who I hadn’t heard from for a week or so. I called him and he said that God had told him recently to pull back a little – to rein in as it were – and to spend a little time with Him – listening – drawing closer to the Fathers heart. Good confirmation for all of us I think.

What happens when we ‘rein-in’? It’s like when we sink into a hot tub. As the hot water envelops us we sigh, lay back, and just relax. We let go of the world for a few minutes while we just lay and soak. It is exactly the same with God. We enter into His presence, we feel the comfort and sigh, we relax and just begin to soak in His presence and love.

It’s a holy chill-out session and it is precisely what Psalm 46:10 is all about.

We get alone with Him and we simply give ourselves over to His love and His presence there with us. It can be anywhere too – even in your car when driving long distance. Walking in the woods. In your quiet room – your prayer closet. In the middle of praise and worship sometimes I find myself dancing with Jesus – relaxed and just enjoying His company. If on my own, soaking music can help – and it can cause me to nap too – but I am sure the Lord uses even that nap to input to my spirit.

Being still and knowing He is God is not hard to do, but we have to make the time for it. In the middle of your hardest working day, if you can find five minutes to enter the Lord’s presence it will not be time wasted. He is waiting, longing to spend time with you but, being the gentleman He is, He doesn’t force it. Rather He waits patiently for us to approach Him. It is like the father in the story of the Prodigal Son, as soon as we ‘appear’ on His horizon – approaching Him – the Lord runs towards us, arms wide in love and welcome.

If you want to bring a smile to the Lords face then spend time in His presence. He wants a Father/son/daughter relationship with every one of us. How many brothers and sisters miss out on this because they don’t even realise it is possible. If you get a great new app on your mobile phone, you tell everyone. Tell everyone about Gods “Be still” app. It is totally free, brings wonderful benefits, and lasts a lifetime.

What more do you want? Rein-in a bit today – the Lord is waiting for you right now.

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