Friday 12 April 2013

One Wish

One Wish

Of all the things in your heart, is there one wish that you want so badly you’d do almost anything to see it happen? What is the one thing you really, really, really want to see in your life? Is it for you or for another? Is it for something in your God life or elsewhere? Out of your entire bucket list of all you want to see, do, say, meet, or have happen – what is the most urgent?

I have several things. I want my sons (and their families) to receive salvation. I want to reach the lost and hurting. I want to see revival. I want the rapture to come tomorrow. Oh – so many things. I want all our neighbours saved. I want our church to grow exponentially. I want a nicer car, a bigger home, a more comfortable life-style – but these don’t even figure in my top ten other than to facilitate other things.

I want to hear from God the way the Old Testament prophets heard Him.

Yes, I want to see my sons saved, but the Lord already promised me that some time ago. Yes, I want to reach the lost and hurting but we do that already in a limited way. Yes I want to see revival but I will see it before I die – of that I am certain. Yes I want the rapture tomorrow – or the next day, or whenever the Lord decides. In the meantime, I shall just work away as He asks of me and to the best of my limited abilities.

Yes to all the other things too – but oh to hear God as the prophets heard Him. To talk with Him and He with me as did Elijah. Before you ask, I don’t want anyone else’s anointing – I want my own – whatever the Lord thinks is best for me. If it is prophetic – great. If it is healing – great. If it is just something between Him and me that no-one else sees or knows about – great. I don’t want “fame” but if it comes I also want Grace to handle it. As Shakespeare once called it, fame is an imposter anyway so why covet that?

I suppose, too, I want to be used of God in a manner suiting His purposes. But it’s not as important to me as the relationship itself. I want a closeness, an intimacy that is personal to me and Him alone. That’s not to say it is exclusive because I want to use it, if ‘use’ is the right word, for others too – to bring them closer to Him and to encourage anyone whose path crosses mine.

Before this all comes across as somewhat selfish, and I suppose there is a degree of that, but I really want to die to self so completely in order that He might be seen in and through me. Also, before this sounds too good to be true, others who have gone before had such a relationship as I want. Indeed, I know one or two now who have the sort of relationship I want, and I know I need to work on my relationship with Him in order to allow Him to lift it to the level I really want it to be at. I believe He wants this too. My Lord and Saviour is not one who stands back to allow us to come to Him. He waits for us to take a step closer then He runs towards us to close the gap a bit more.

So – what’s your greatest wish in life?

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