Monday 22 April 2013

Labels & Boxes


I was talking to someone the other day and he asked me what is my background in church. I said that I was raised Anglican – we all were and when asked at school – the answer was “C of E”. Yessir, raised an Anglican, Baptist relatives and in-laws, and Pentecostal nowadays. He asked, “What does that make you then?” I replied, “Anglobapticostal I would think!” I explained that I don’t have much time for labels but that I was what many people term ‘a charismatic’. I went on to explain further that the Charismatic Movement is the international trend of historically-mainstream congregations adopting beliefs and practices similar to Pentecostals. Fundamental to the movement is the use of spiritual gifts – that is an emphasis on communal prayer and the practice and use of the charismatic gifts of speaking in tongues, healing, prophecy, and deliverance.

Actually, I don’t understand good and well-meaning folk who do not accept the Bible as God’s Word. I don’t really understand either, those who select a single ‘verse’ of that Word and build a whole doctrine around it, while ignoring the rest of God’s Word. I guess that makes me a fundamentalist too? It strikes me that all that is missing is ‘evangelical’. All in all, that would make me a “Bible-believing Fundamentalist Evangelical Charismatic AngloBaptiCostal”

Can you see just how foolish all these labels are? They cannot define us in any way. In fact the labels only serve to bring ridicule upon the Name of our Saviour. I am happy, indeed I prefer, to be called Christian. Yes, I do subscribe to the labels but no, they do not in any way describe me. Actually, I would describe a Christian as one who worships God; who loves his neighbour as himself; who obeys the Great Commandment to preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons; who practice the gifts of the Spirit; indeed one who knows the Holy Spirit as their personal friend.

So where now would you place me? Heretic? Fanatic? I still prefer Christian for myself AND for those of any different set of credentials. Just so long as they love God and their neighbour and demonstrate that in their lives and life-style, then we are all Christians together.

Is that not more important than any denominational label?

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