Tuesday 30 April 2013

I am no Better

I am no Better

The world judges by its own laws and standards. The world judges by its own opinions regardless of Gods laws and opinions. Neighbours judge each other and gossip their poisonous opinions. Even Christians and churches do likewise.

Yet in Gods eyes not one of us is any better than any other - not me – not even you.  ALL of us are sinners in need of a saviour – all have fallen short of Gods standard for us. It doesn’t matter to God how close we get or how far short we fall. We all fall short by one margin or another.

The only difference between any of us is that some accept their salvation and some don’t.

But still we judge each other. I am not talking about judging in a discerning manner. I mean we pass judgement and heap condemnation upon others. Yet in Gods eyes we are just as guilty. Despite the world’s opinions, there is no such thing as ‘very guilty’ or ‘slightly guilty’. It is quite black and white with no grey areas or blurred edges.

Our main problem seems to me to be that we deem some things as ‘slightly worse’, or ‘worse’, or ‘far worse’ than others. We impose our thinking upon, even over, God’s thinking. Our sense of justice over His. We prefer our own opinions to His.

We all tend to forget that one day we will all stand before the Judgement Seat of God. We will all answer for our shortcomings. I suspect that the cross-examination in God’s court may be somewhat different to our expectations. He might ask us, “Why did you .....?” but I think it far more likely He will ask, “Why did you not ......?” He will say, “I gave you these gifts, what did you do with them?”, or, “Why did you not use them?” He will say something like, “I called you as a prophet, why did you not prophesy and why did you become an evangelist?” “He may even say, “I gave you great wealth, why did you keep it to yourself?” “I sent people in need to you – why did you turn them away without a thought or word – with nothing?”

That will sort the sheep from the goats

You and I, brothers and sisters, are not one jot better nor worse than anyone else – we just do different things with what God has given us. We act differently – partly through choice and our own decision, and partly through lack of teaching. We need to be out there, Jesus’s hands, his ears, eyes, and mouth, carrying His love to all we meet such that they want to know more about Him.

No matter what we may think, His judgement of us is all we really need to be concerned about.

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