Sunday 21 April 2013

How Much Warning Do We Need?

How Much Warning Do We Need?

I have written about this many times, but today the Lord asked me, “How much warning do people need before they will believe that the age is drawing to a close? ” He said, “First I sent storms and tsunamis, then I sent earthquakes. Along with this surely the world can see the corruption of politics, the greed and corruption of business, the declining support for Christian values, the increased crime rates all over the world. Yet still the world, and even My Church, ignores my warnings. It is all there in My Word, but people don’t want to know.

This lines up with my vision of the lines of people queuing, quite unconcerned, to enter Hell - . A friend of mine also gave a quite stunning call to arms recently.

Cry out! Cry out for your nation! Cry out for My church to arise! Darkness covers My church. The people are like sheep without shepherds. My people lack vision, their understanding dimmed and their faith is in man and not in Me. Arise My children before it is too late and the flood waters of the world’s opinions engulf you. I have sent My warnings, but who takes notice? I have sent My word, but who listens? I Am calling My people to prayer, to stir my church to action on behalf of this nation before it is too late. Arise church and cry out for My mercy, to turn the tide of disobedience and repent. Yield to Me, that salvation may come to the nation of Britain.”
He added, “I felt strongly that this word was a call to the church in Britain to motivate itself to pray for this nation to return to its Godly roots and repel the darkness of unbelief that has filtered into every area of the lives of its citizens, including the church.  “ K.C.Perrin

Wake up Church! Wake up people! Jesus warned us of all the signs – of all the deception coming to the church – of all the ear-tickling preachers – of all the sin and immorality and lawlessness. Still we ignore Him. Still we fail to see. Still we disobey His commands.

The I’m all right Jack mentality has taken over – but not completely.

It’s not too late yet. There is still time for God’s people to repent, turn from their wickedness, and bring healing to their land.

It is as simple as this. If you want to continue on a one-way ticket to Hell then that is your decision. I am not prepared to do that – I want to join my Saviour throughout eternity. I want to worship Him for ever. So as for me and my house – we will serve the Lord. I will do anything I can to take as many with me as I can. But time is short. Jesus is coming soon.

Wake up - Wake up - Wake up !!!

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